Monday 28th
Starting Unit 10. I´ll play the CD, exercise A on page 84. You´ll make a pictionary to publish it in your blogs by Friday, April 1st. Then we´ll check the VOCABULARY BOOSTER page V6 and V7. Finally you´ll answer the LISTENING COMPREHENSION on page 84. We´ll check the correct answers. HW: You´ll check the grammar part on page 84.
Tuesday 29th You´ll write a list of different fruit and vegetables. You´ll classify your list in Likes and Dislikes, too. After that you´ll make comments about your likes and dislikes. Finally you´ll listen to the VOCABULARY on page 85.
HW: You´ll answer Unit 10 WB Lesson 1.
Wednesday 30th
You´ll work in the lab, Level 2 exercise 4.
Thursday 31st
We´ll check the correct WB answers. Then I´ll play the CD to listen to the VOCABULARY on page 86. After this you´ll talk about your favorite drinks and foods. You´ll explain why you like or don´t like some drinks and foods.
Friday, April 1st
I´ll explain the grammar on page 86. You´ll classify foods and drinks in non-count and count nouns on your notebooks. After that we´ll check if is correct.
HW: Publish the pictionary in your blog.
Have a nice weekend!!! :D
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